Prinex real estate

Prinex real estate 2018 and prinex analytics webinar (excerpt)

Undisputed leader in the provision of technological services for the real estate sector, offers its employees competitive salaries, the possibility of developing a long professional career and a very important and sought-after training within the sector.
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Presentación de prinex real estate

https://prinex.comPrinex Implantación y gestión continuaTorn Marketing ofrece la implantación del software de gestión inmobiliaria, el mantenimiento y la gestión de Prinex para que se adapte a las necesidades de su negocio.Si no puede justificar económicamente o no cree que ciertas habilidades sean fundamentales para su negocio, nuestro equipo puede llenar el vacío y ofrecer el éxito que necesita.
2. Crear un plan de gestión del cambioUn plan de gestión del cambio debe sustentar el proceso de implantación del nuevo software. Una vez más, este proceso será diferente para cada organización, pero algunos pasos bien conocidos ayudan a suavizar la transición:Evaluar los puntos fuertes y débiles de su equipo de implementación de sistemasA partir del primer punto, debe determinar con qué defensores, especialistas y caballos de batalla cuenta para hacer realidad el cambio.

Demo of link with external systems – prinex real estate

Agility in the control of your works. Sql OBRAS is a specific application for the management and control of projects. With this application we will be able to manage from the initial budget to the invoicing.
Almacenes de Materiales para la Construcción y Distribución de Cerámica Jobers y Asociados, S.L Consultoría y Desarrollo de Software Tfno: 96 352 41 82 659 73 75 72 E-mail: [email protected]
For the daily management of calls, incidents and claims in the office. Management of buildings and communities Gesinedi is the best tool that can exist for the daily work of management.
To have all the information of your business is fundamental to optimize to the maximum your resources, and to obtain the greater profitability In S, we know how you can obtain it Profitability Assured Gescosoft
The most complete real estate management in the simplest way. Sql FINCAS is an application composed of three modules that allows you to carry out the most complete management of Real Estate, Communities and Properties. Solve

Pronest spain

EnlargePrinex Real Estate Software stand location.Prinex will be present at the next edition of Construtec, the international exhibition of materials, techniques and construction solutions. This event will be held from October 25 to 28 in Pavilion 7 of the Feria de Madrid (IFEMA).
The Prinex stand will be located in space 7F03 (attached map) and, during the four days of the event, professional attendees will be able to learn about the advantages that Prinex provides in the efficient management of all the works that a construction company or auxiliary company has in its portfolio.
Prinex will present in Construtec how to make budgets and comparatives through the computer platform. It will also show those present the possibility of controlling costs, including labor and machinery costs, collection/payment flows and treasury.
Prinex enables real-time accounting management to comply with tax obligations and to achieve an optimized document base. Similarly, in order to cover the entire business cycle of a construction company, Prinex has a powerful CRM for project and customer management.