Manomano. es
Manomano wikipedia
Hola Tracy:Gracias por dejar tu comentario. Trabajamos duro para que la experiencia del cliente sea inmejorable y lamentamos sinceramente no haber podido cumplir con tus expectativas en esta ocasión.Para poder ayudarte, necesitaríamos los detalles de tu pedido. Lamentablemente, no disponemos de la información necesaria para realizar las gestiones pertinentes para saber qué ha pasado con tu pedido ya que no nos has facilitado la información en tu ficha.Te invitamos a que respondas al mensaje que te acabamos de enviar a través de esta plataforma, nos ayudará a darte una explicación de lo sucedido.Quedamos a tu disposición por si tienes alguna duda.Un cordial saludo,El equipo de ManoMano
Pedí un líquido de drenaje por 15 euros y nunca lo recibí. El seguimiento decía que había sido entregado así que escribí al servicio de atención al cliente con mi número de pedido y todos los detalles y me dieron una respuesta genérica de que el servicio de atención al cliente es muy importante y que alguien se pondría en contacto conmigo. Nadie lo hizo, aunque escribí tres veces más. Esto fue hace casi un mes y todavía no hay respuesta ni reembolso.
Mano mano murcia
Sister of the French monEchelle, ManoMano is an initiative that comes backed by the success in the neighboring country, where it has won awards such as the award for best start-up in the IMC Awards 2014.
ManoMano (monEchelle initially in France) is the result of the entrepreneurship of its three founders all seasoned in the stoves of the online world. Philippe de Chanville and Christian Raisson, both graduates of the French business school EDHEC, met while working in a venture capital fund.
The idea finally took shape with the contribution of Denis Fayolle, founder of Today has a team of about 30-40 motivated people united by a clear and ambitious vision: to make DIY and gardening projects easy and affordable for everyone, while remaining experts in their field.
Aiming to become the European online marketplace of reference in DIY and gardening, its growth will not be limited only to our borders. For now it is already present in Belgium and in July it opened a new marketplace in Italy. The goal is to expand to several European markets by 2016. A total of two million euros has been invested in the new markets.
Manomano malaga
«I had an incident with a shipment of a hammer drill, as it was taking a long time to be delivered, and after talking to customer service they contacted the supplier and managed to get it to me finally. Attention of 10.»- María
«Courier on time and very friendly. I placed an order and they even arrived 1 day ahead of schedule. One suggestion: you don’t need so much wrapping, it’s a pain to take it to the recycling center»- Jordi
In summary, ManoMano’s handicap consists of, being intermediaries, dealing with a good customer service to manage incidents in a way that, on the one hand, makes customers happy and, on the other hand, forces sellers to manage returns and defects efficiently.
In the garden furniture section you can find more than 1000 items from different sellers, as well as the discounts that they apply in a promotional way. On the one hand, sellers can quickly get rid of these items by making significant price reductions, and on the other hand, customers get furniture at prices that are difficult to find in traditional physical stores. en español
During the assembly, for which we followed the instructions provided at all times, we noticed that, although the base seemed quite strong, the aluminum that formed the structure of the panels was quite flimsy, which made us doubt the resistance.
After the initial displeasure, on September 15 my wife decided to contact ManoMano, something that was difficult at first since the normal way to do it would be through the account where the product did not appear.
Then we told them that we wanted to make a claim because the product was defective. From customer service, the agent Antonio very kindly took note of the claim and forwarded our message to the seller R.On. He replied asking for photos to see if it was covered by the warranty.
So we replied saying that under the fabric there was a concrete base to which was attached, screwed, the metal base. We included photos showing the concrete base and the screws (*See photos) and asked them to reply within a week.