Santa maria del mar coruña
Basilica of santa maria del marbuilding in barcelona, spain
Alba School: A cutting-edge educational project of its own, Comprehensive Education and Personalized Attention for each student, Values as the pillars of a good coexistence, Commitment to pedagogical and technological innovation, A team of professionals committed and in continuous training, High Level of Languages.
Pedagogical innovation, excellent academic results. Arturo Soria is an educational reference for the high academic and human level achieved by our students, Arturo Soria is a different school, a parents’ cooperative where the participation of families is a reality and the students are the protagonists.
Located in the heart of Madrid, one of its main objectives is to provide its students with a cultural background that allows them easy access to the University, while making their time at school as pleasant as possible. Experienced teaching staff and a strong emphasis on languages.
At Elian’s British School our objective is excellence in English for all our students. This goal goes hand in hand with our desire to foster their self-confidence, their individual talents and their ability to cooperate in an international environment.
From today, July 7 are exposed on the notice board of the Secretariat, the provisional lists of applications admitted and excluded for participation in the Solidarity Fund for Textbooks for Primary Education and ESO. The beneficiaries of vouchers for the purchase of school supplies and textbooks will be notified from next week by phone to come and pick them up.
Through art, experimental sciences, literacy, mathematics and symbolic play, we approach the work of paleontologists and life during the dinosaur era.
The voice of galicia
Fundación Baloncesto Colegial with CIF: G-87073821, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, complies with current legislation on personal data protection, respects the privacy of users and the secrecy and security of personal data, adopting for this purpose the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of Personal Data provided, given the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.
Thus, personal data will only be obtained for processing when they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained, including all communications from the Foundation, its activities and its collaborators that are considered of interest to the user, and will be canceled when they are no longer necessary or relevant for that purpose, or when requested by the holder in the exercise of their rights.
Santa maria del mar coruña en línea
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